Card Pull of the Month: May

Card of the Month: 7 of Emotions

“All things possible lie before her, and she is fantasizing about having them all.”

This card—connected with the 7 of cups in traditional tarot decks—signifies an abundance of opportunities and possibilities.

The fish on this card represent such opportunities, but as we can see from the shark fin on one of the fish, not all opportunities are for the highest good.

You may be at a point in your own life where you are being presented with a few different paths to take. Each one might seem enticing for their own reason, but it’s important to listen with your ears, eyes, and intuition to the information that’s being presented about each path.

Sometimes our ego clouds our judgment, and what seems like a good option on the surface may just be that—a desire that satisfies the surface, rather than the Soul.

If you’re finding yourself at a point in life where you’re being presented with many paths—or regularly finding yourself distracted by options that have the potential to stray you from your main path, consider working with these reflection prompts.

  1. What are the options I’m currently being presented with?

  2. What am I feeling drawn to for each option?

  3. What feels unsettling about each option?

  4. Which of these options feel aligned with my bigger vision? Do I even have a bigger vision?

  5. Who does each option serve? Myself? My community? Capitalism?

  6. What desires of mine are each of these options speaking to? Are there other ways of meeting those desires?

  7. If I allowed myself to tune out the noise of what I think I “should” be doing, which option feels right?

What you do with the answers you receive from the above prompts is up to you…✨

This card is from The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne