Spring Equinox Breathwork Journey: March 19, 2025 @ 5:30-7pm PST (Online)

Spring Equinox Breathwork Journey: March 19, 2025 @ 5:30-7pm PST (Online)


The wheel turns to carry us into a new season.

For some cultures, Spring marks the start of a new year. And for good reason - with fertile grounds and new life forming, the energy feels ripe with new beginnings and fresh starts.

If you’ve been deep in winter’s slumber, let this energy awaken something new within you.

In this month’s breathwork journey, you’ll journey with the Eastern doorway of the Anishinaabe medicine wheel. Harnessing the energy of Spring and working with the various elements and archetypes that occupy this segment of the wheel, you’ll reflect on what is preparing to germinate in your own life and how to tend to your inner and outer creations.

Our time together will include:

🌬️ Opening meditation

🌬️ An exploration of the elements and archetypes of Spring and the Eastern doorway of the medicine wheel

🌬️ A deep dive into your internal landscape with a 30-minute conscious connected breathwork journey

🌬️ Optional sharing + closing

If you’d like to join but are unable to attend live, an audio recording will be sent out within 24 hours of the gathering. Please note that all personal shares will be removed from the recording.

If you have any questions about breathwork and whether it’s right for you, please feel free to send me an email.

If finances are a barrier, use the following codes at checkout:
COMMUNITY10 to join for $10.
COMMUNITY to join for free.

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