What is Nervous System Dysregulation?

Nervous system dysregu-what?!

Nervous system health is a super trendy topic right now, which is GREAT because the nervous system literally governs every aspect of our experience.

Your hormones, your motivation, your zest for life, your ability to withstand stress….you name it, the nervous system is in charge of it.

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the years dealing with a number of symptoms, from digestive issues to feeling constantly frantic to feeling unable to get up and at ‘em for the day. Many times, nervous system dysregulation is at the root of these symptoms.

The tricky thing is, there's a lot of misinformation out there about nervous system dysregulation and how to bring it into a state of harmony (hint: "breathe deep!" isn't always the answer).

In this video, I explain:

  • The differences between a regulated nervous system and a dysregulated nervous system

  • How nervous system dysregulation may be impacting your daily experience

  • What you can do to bring it back into a state of harmony.

IF you feel like conscious connected breathwork (which you can learn more about here) is part of your nervous system regulation journey, you can try out a short 10-minute guided practice here for free, or you can contact me to see how else I can support you with bringing more ease and harmony into your nervous system.